It became greatly agitated when germans bombarded fort san carlos and destroyed a venezuelan town in january 1903 . 1903年1月,当德国人轰炸圣卡洛斯堡并摧毁一个委内瑞拉市镇时舆论大哗。
. . . shot some white officers and jumped the reservation in san carlos 打死了几个白人军官然后逃到圣卡罗斯的保留地
Some apaches jumped the reservation at san carlos middle of last month 上个月圣卡罗斯保留地的一些阿帕奇人跑了出来
Shot some white officers and jumped the reservation in san carlos .杀了一些白人军官,袭击了圣卡洛斯的印第安保留地
Rich skrenta , who is credited with creating the first microcomputer virus in 1982 , poses at his home in san carlos , california , us on july 31 , 2007 去年七月三十一日,于一九八二年释出全球第一个电脑病毒的电脑病毒始祖瑞奇斯克兰塔在美国加州圣卡洛斯的自家留影。
World - renowned hong kong tenor warren mok has performed many leading roles since his european debut in 1987 at the deutsche oper berlin . with a distinguished international career , mok has been making frequent guest appearances throughout the world , including teatro colon in buenos aires , paris opera , teatro dell opera di roma , teatro comunale di bologna , teatro massimo palermo , opera de lyon , the netherlands opera , opera de nice , leipzig opera , royal danish opera , teatro di san carlos lisbon , bolshoi theatre , warsaw opera , teatro di cagliari , abao bilbao , teatro di palma di mallorca , nancy opera france , bergen opera norway , latvian national opera , lithuanian national opera , sydney opera house , hawaii opera theater , and concert halls in new york s carnegie hall , london s royal albert hall , berlin philharmonie , tokyo , seoul , etc . his operatic repertoire exceeds 50 roles including calaf in 活跃于国际乐坛的本港男高音莫华伦,自一九八七年加盟柏林德意志歌剧院作欧洲首演以来,已担演过多歌剧并于世界各地献艺,包括纽约卡奈基音乐厅、伦敦皇家亚伯特音乐厅、柏林爱乐厅、布宜诺斯艾利斯科隆剧院、巴黎歌剧院、罗马歌剧院、博洛尼亚市立剧院、巴勒莫马西勒剧院、里昂歌剧院、荷兰国家歌剧院、尼斯歌剧院、莱比锡歌剧院、皇家丹麦歌剧院、里斯本圣卡罗剧院、俄罗斯大剧院、华沙国家大剧院、卡利亚里大剧院、西班牙毕尔巴欧歌剧院、马罗卡的帕玛歌剧院、法国南西歌剧院、挪威伯根歌剧院、拉脱维亚国家歌剧院、立陶宛国家歌剧院、悉尼歌剧院、夏威夷歌剧院、以及东京、首尔等地的歌剧院。